Building a skilled workforce for the Belfast Transport Hub

The search for the skilled work force which will deliver the new Belfast Transport Hub steps up this week with Translink and Belfast City Council working in partnership to host a public information event on the opportunities for employment and training that the integrated £multi-million facility will bring to the local area.

The ‘Building a Skilled Workforce for the Belfast Transport Hub’ event will take place in Belfast Central Mission this Friday 21st June and will showcase the range of construction opportunities for contractors, supply chain and training that this exciting transport led regeneration project will bring.

Speakers at the event include Translink Chief Executive, Chris Conway, Councillor Deirdre Hargey from Belfast City Council, and Nuala Griffiths from the Strategic Investment Board.

Speaking ahead of the event, Translink Chief Executive, Chris Conway said,

“As one of the NI Executive Flagship Projects, the Belfast Transport Hub is one of the most exciting and important construction projects in the region. Set to further transform public transport in Northern Ireland, it will play a key role in delivering the outcomes of the draft Programme for Government.

“With over 400 direct jobs during construction as well as additional longer-term investment and job opportunities we have established an innovative partnership with Belfast City Council, to create a Construction Employment Academy.  This will deliver skills and training in a range of construction related roles to local people, and will also deliver a range of local benefits such as personal well-being, social cohesion, inclusion, equal opportunity and sustainable development.”


“We have two major works contracts, both will offer real opportunities to communities by maximising the benefits of public procurement. Depending on the contractor requirements to deliver this project, we anticipate that up to 100 buy social opportunities will be generated through these two construction contracts. These opportunities will be realised through apprenticeships and new entrant positions on the project.”

“Working with Belfast City Council, this new Construction Employment Academy means local people can up-skill and train on one of the most innovative and ambitious development projects in Belfast set to be a main gateway, with rail, coach and bus connections to all parts of Northern Ireland and beyond.

Councillor Deirdre Hargey, Chair of Belfast City Council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee, said:

“We made a commitment in the Belfast Agenda to make this a city where everyone reaps the benefits of a thriving and prosperous economy, and create opportunities for people to fulfil their potential through employability and skills support.

“The Belfast Transport Hub will make a significant contribution to our city’s revitalisation and along with our partner, Translink, we want to make sure that everyone in Belfast has fair access to the resulting job opportunities and that investors have direct access to the skills base available here.

“Our employment academies are a great example of how we can help to realise those ambitions, and are instrumental to us achieving those aims, so I’m delighted that this construction project brings with it employment opportunities for local people.”

The event this Friday is open to training organisations and anyone interested in hearing about the employment and training opportunities which will emerge from the Belfast Transport Hub.

For more information about the Belfast Transport Hub visit

For more information about Belfast City Council Construction Employment Academy visit